Global Drug Survey (GDS) is the biggest online survey of drug users in the world. It deals with the topics of drugs, the methods of their acquisition and usage, but also with the currently very relevant topics of new psychoactive substances, darknet markets and harm reductio nstrategies.

Global Drug Survey is held every year. The results of the survery are analyzed and published. By comparing with previous years, GDS establishes trends and behavioral patterns of the users. In 2018, SAPAS has translated the survey to Slovak language for the first time and almost 4000 people from Slovakia participated. Some of the findings can be found here (in Slovak language).

This year 2019 contains new sections, again translated by us – for example about cannabis edibles, LSD microdosing, the trust of users towards their dealers, the attitudes towards local police, fair trade cocain – but also a section about psychedelic-assisted therapies, which was inspired by our own conference Psychedelic Lessons 2018. Please help us fill the information gap about the users of legal and illegal substanes and join hundreds of thousands of other participants from more than 35 countries. Your experience matters and you can contribute to deeper understanding and more effective drug policy.

The survey is anonymous and confidential. No data leading to your identification are stored. The survey itself takes 15 to 60 minutes with respect to the amount of your experience you want to share.

Each answer represents an important part of the mosaic of the users of legal and illegal drugs in Slovakia.

Please help us understand. You can fill the survey in until the end of 2018.

Thank you for your participation or sharing of the survey.

You can find the survey here.