The establishment of Slovak psychedelic society (SAPAS) comes as a reaction of professionals of various disciplines to reemerging worldwide public and academic interest in psychedelic substances. SAPAS serves as a platform to gather professionals from medicine, psychology and other fields.

SAPAS is thus picking up on the long tradition of Slovak and Czech doctors and psychologists which were among the world-class leaders of research and therapy during the first wave of interest in psychedelics.

Our primary goal is the communication of relevant information and the support of scientific activities concerned with this topic.

Psychedelic substances can positively contribute in cases where the current therapeutic methods do not result in sufficient alleviation of hardships. In the context of therapy for known illnesses, the therapy augmented with psychedelics could provide an alternative to conventional therapeutic methods.

We believe that the utilization of psychedelic substances in supportive and safe environment can have healing effect and can furthermore – even for healthy individuals – constitute an important tool in the development of mental health as defined by World Health Organization (WHO) or League for Mental Health SR. We want to participate in the education of therapists working with psychedelic substances, but also working on the integration process of psychedelic experiences.With respect to the specific attributes of psychedelics, our area of interest is transdisciplinary and we see possible overlaps with fields such as cognitive sciences, philosophy, anthropology, ethnography and others.

By the dissemination of evidence-based knowledge, we contribute to the destigmatization of the public and academic perception of psychedelics. We wish to facilitate the awareness-raising on the correct handling of these substances and thus minimize their potential risks. We do not endorse uncontrolled and irresponsible use of psychedelics.

SAPAS embraces a drug policy which is pragmatic and based on evidence and which emphasizes the protection of the health of individuals and society together with the reduction of potential harm caused by the use of psychoactive substances. We support a drug policy that will be built on these principles.

We develop our activities in collaboration with foreign and established psychedelic societies such as MAPS, MIND or SÄPT, but especially in close cooperation with Czech psychedelic society (CZEPS).

  1. According to World Health Organization (WHO), mental health includes “subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, inter-generational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others.” (World Health Organization)
  2. “Mental health is the knowledge of one’s own value, awareness of one’s own possibilities and the ability to create and maintain relationships and mental comfort. Mental health is a goal, not a norm.” (League for Mental Health SR)